Samsung I9300I Galaxy S3 Neo Firmware Download

How To Flashing

Samsung I9300I Galaxy S3 Neo

How To Flashing Samsung I9300i S3 Neo
Preparing tools:

Odin 3:09

Samsung usb Instal Driver

Samsung I9300i S3 Neo

How To Flashing Samsung I9300i S3 Neo:

Install Driver Samsung in Computers

Extract Odin3 v3.10.0 on computer
Turn off Samsung I9300i S3 Neo

Next enter to Download mode with press and hold the button Home + Volume Down + Power until enter into Download Mode, To proceed to the Download Mode press the button Volume Up once. 

Run Odin 3:09 and Connect the Samsung Galaxy uses USB to a computer, make sure the Samsung I9300i S3 Neo you already detected by Odin.
Inserting, firmware Samsung I9300i S3 Neo on tab AP.
If everything, already prepared then click START to begin the process Flashing Samsung I9300i S3 Neo and wait for the flash to finish. 

If Flash Samsung I9300i S3 Neo To Odian Option (PASS) With DONE 


That is all the way flash Samsung I9300i S3 Neo hopefully this tutorial can be useful to you and thank you for visiting